Sunday, December 4, 2011

November = practice, practice, practice

I often sketch in my notebooks, but as the result of many things I've read, heard and thought lately, I decided to make a particular effort to draw on a daily basis. The goal is to improve - perhaps I'll eventually draw more quickly or more beautifully, but always the point is to capture the ESSENCE of whatever I was observing. 

sometimes I drew from thinking, other times from inspirational sources like Arch Daily and still more often from what was right in front of me. It was a little depressing to draw from the random Vogue magazine I inexplicably received, for philosophical reasons perhaps not worth exploring... once I got into drawing from my National Geographic's, however, it felt more my speed. That actually gained quite a bit of momentum, so we'll see more of the series in a future post.

I was so pleased with the increased energy level and creativity I associated with all this extra drawing, that I incorporated it into my daily "diary" pages that help me keep track of appointments and commitments, and are kept open on my desk most of the day.

Then I was so pleased with that result, that I revamped the template to encourage even more drawing and daily reflection on quality design, images and objects:

What's your sketching habit? 

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